[Astra – Latin for “stars”] [Vox – Latin for “voice”] [1,0]
A finalist in the “Contact Attempt” competition by the Art Meets Science – Foundation Herbert W. Franke, Astr1v0x was projected in full dome format at the Hamburg Planetarium and Bochum Planetarium, in Germany.
“CONTACT ATTEMPT” celebrated 50 years since the Arecibo Message – the first large-scale scientific attempt to make contact with an alien intelligence via radio transmission.
See Earth through alien eyes
In a distant future, the Arecibo Message became the seed from which the M13inians, the beings nestled in the shimmering depths of the Hercules constellation, spun countless tales, each illuminating a different understanding of humanity’s existence.

Using Cellular Automata [with p5.js and GLSL], ASTR1V0X translates the original binary code of the Arecibo Message into several unique “alien languages,” each represented by a different CA rule. If we live in a “Computational Universe,” then Cellular Automata may serve as a potential medium for communication that resonates across galaxies.
ASTR1V0X invites viewers to see Earth through alien eyes and ponder the possibilities of communication beyond our world.