Synth Pond

Colorful version of “The Old Pond” collection. Generative art crafted with code in p5js, using Cellular Automata for structure and texture.

A new visual haiku is being generated each time you refresh the page. Play with it live on fxhash: Synth Pond (infinite variations)

A symbol of the mind, a metaphor of the ocean. A very subjective experience. A reference to “The Old Pond” haiku by Bashō.

The tension derives from the contrast between stillness and movement.

These glitchy landscapes are programmed with the aim of a powerful Notan, but each generation is a game of chance. Some are a more rare than others, but all iterations are pseudo-infinitely unique. I hope each generation tells a different story to each different collector.

Nōtan (濃淡) is a Japanese design concept involving the play and placement of light and dark elements. The underlying abstract framework upon which the structure of a painting is created.

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